Day 8 August 6/7
Charting Our Mother Time, the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar
Self-Guided Ritual created by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang and Wendy Stiver
A. What and why is the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar?
We are reinstating the original time that our ancestral mothers discovered and inaugurated. The Original Mother Time embodied in the scheme of the 13 month 28 day lunar-solar-female calendar guides us to the dance and song of the universe.
“How can we tell a correct calendar? Its accuracy and truth are tested by harmonic numerology, the occult system of sonified numeric interplay that determines the physical reality of beings, a topic to be discussed in detail in a later section. A correct calendar is revelatory to the Nine Mago Creatrix, awakening human intelligence to a life of self-gratification as opposed to self-deception.[i] The Magoist Calendar inscribed in Nine Numerology or Heavenly Numerology navigates the human world to the knowing of the Nine Mago Creatrix, the blessing itself. The Budoji accounts for the correct calendar that is derived from Heavenly Numerology as follows:
Calendar is the basis of human attestation. All beings respectively have a numerology in them. Therefore, if the calendar is correct, Heavenly Principle and human affairs mutually support to attest to the truth, which engenders blessing. If the calendar is incorrect, it falsifies Heavenly Numerology and therefore causes disaster. That is because blessing rises where the principle is and because the principle exists where the correct attestation takes place. Therefore, the accuracy or the inaccuracy of calendar is the beginning of blessing or tragedy in the human world. How can one not take caution?[ii]
A correct calendar allows humans to live the life of attesting to the truth. One might ask, “What on earth is the truth?” Indeed, that question is rarely asked or, if it is asked, it is quickly sabotaged today. The truth is the secret of the Earth’s beginning story that all beings are given the blessing of life by the Cosmic Mother, according to the principle of nature. It is revelatory, to be encountered in hearing and participating in the cosmogonic story of the Nine Mago Creatrix. Human rationality is built to lead to the truth. The correct calendar is epistemologically salvific, keeping the human mind ever alert and lucid. Embodying Heavenly Numerology, the correct calendar is hierophantic of the Cosmic Mother. Here Heavenly Numerology is a transliteration of Cheonsu (天數, Heavenly Numbers), which I use interchangeably with Nine Numerology. Numerology proves something to be accurate and true. And numerology is nature’s gift. Humans can be confused about it but cannot manipulate it for it is the Law of Nature. Through the correct calendar, human affairs are aligned with Heavenly Principle. Blessing is the consequence of the correct calendar. Here blessing means a state of wellbeing for individuals as well as the terrestrial eco-community. It is a public and collective happiness of all lifeforms on Earth.
Calendar and time pattern our mind at the most foundational level. They are the rudder of the human civilization that can bring peace and harmony to people. The necessity of the correct calendar is somewhat moderately but plainly explained below:
If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: Irregular, artificial and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature.[iii]
The message from the Budoji is that a calendar that is out of touch with the cosmic rhythm can only result in the catastrophic consequence to all.”
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, The Magoist Calendar, Mother Time Inscribed in Sonic Numerology (forthcoming 2019).
[i] Those two paths are contrasted as Real Action and Vain Action, see the ending part of this essay.
[ii] Budoji, Chapter 22.
[iii] “What is the 13 Moon Calendar?” (April 21, 2017).
B. Poetry
Honoring Our Mothers, Honoring Our Selves by Safa Plenty Oct. 17, 2014
Blessed Be, and So Be It.
Daily Themes
- Day 1 July 30/31
Our Life: Cross the Threshold to WE/HERE/NOW - Day 2 July 31/Aug 1
See Interconnectivity of all inter-cosmic beings in HER - Day 3 Aug 1/2 (Inter-continental Video Meeting 1)
Transform from within
- Day 4 Aug 2/3
Honor Life in all forms - Day 5: Aug 3/4
Restore Mother-Daughter Bond - Day 6: Aug 4/5 (Inter-continental Video Meeting 2)
Celebrating Cross-cultural Nine Female Symbols
- Day 7: Aug 5/6
How Does Nine Numerology Work? - Day 8: Aug 6/7
Charting Our Mother Time, the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar - Day 9: Aug 7/8 Lammas/Imbolc or Ipchu立秋/Entering Fall (Inter-continental Video Meeting 3)
Homage to the Magoma (Mago and Goma)
Mago Academy hosts 2018 (5915 Magoma Era) Year 1 Nine Day Mago Celebration! Our celebration will mark the first year of the Magoist Calendar (13 month 28 day gynocentric calendar). We began the New Year on the new moon of the last December Solstice according to the Magoist Calendar. We are to commemorate nine days, the ninth day marking the 9th month the 9th day, which is also Lammas/Imbolc or Ipchu立秋/Entering Fall. Anyone can join us and welcome!
Dates July 30/31-August 7/8 (the 9th month the 9th day in the Magoist Calendar given the variation of time zones)
Theme Proclamation of WE/HERE/NOW, the Return of the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar
Planning Committee Wendy Stiver and Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
Method We will provide nine guidelines for rituals and readings. We have about 3 video meetings on the 3rd day, the 6th day and the 9th day via Google Hangouts. Times to be determined between 10AM to 6PM PST. If you want to participate, please fill out the below form. (Participants must provide a Gmail address to which you will be notified shortly. Actual invite will be sent to you 10 min before the session on each day. If you are new to Google Hangouts, please enter the conference room 10 min prior to the session. You will be invited to a Google group conversation. Please say hello to all in the chat window.)
Learn more about the Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A).
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang. The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (2015).
Bettina Aptheker. Tapestries of Life: Women’s Work, Women’s Con-Sciousness, and the Meaning of Daily Experience (1989).
Starhawk. The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature (2005).
Iyanla Vanzant. One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (1998).