See 2019 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage to Korea and Resources.
2019 Mago Pilgrimage Report by Kirsten Brunsgaard Clausen in Sweedish and Danish

Dates May 29 (Wed) to June 11 (Tue) for 13 nights and 14 days (9 days communal and 4 days optional cultural tour experience)
Director and Facilitator Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
Theme Reunited in the Land of Goma (Ungnyeo), the Shaman Queen of Old Magoism
Goma or Ungnyeo (Female Bear/Sovereign), the best known but most misconstrued Goddess of Old Magoist Korea who laid foundation of modern civilizations once and for all before the rise of patriarchal rules in East Asia. It was Goma who taught us about Mago, the Nine Mago Creatrix, and whose gynocentric civilizations were carried out across cultures in the fourth millennium BCE and thereafter. We will trek the mytho-historical-cultural heritages of Goma permeated in traditional Korea including topographies (Mago Cave, Peaks, Rocks/Boulders, Stonewalls), Buddhist Temples, and Mago Stronghold as well as seemingly isolated but intriguing customs (sea mustard birthday soup), slow food (femented food preparation), Samsin Halmi (Triad Great Mother) dinner altar, and carrying a baby on one’s back by using the podaegi blanket, and museums (whales and the Seon).
I invite you to join us by the following essay: What Mago Pilgrimage means to me by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
Places to visit and activities include
- Guksadang Shaman shrine in Mt. Inwang, Seoul
- Mago Stronghold, Mt. Jiri, and Peak of the Triad (Samsin-bong)
- Hamieup-seong (Stronghold of Ancient Mother Township) in Seosan, South Chungcheong
- Goma Port, Gong Stronghold in Gongju and Buyeo, S. Chungcheong
- Korean Shaman (Mansin or Mudang) Rituals
- Mago Halmaedang (Shrine of Mago the Supreme Divine), Milyang S. Gyeongsang
- Mt. Gomo/Stonewalls of Gomo (Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang)
- Buddhist Temple: Buseok-sa (Yeongju, North Gyeongsang)
- Seonghwang Shrine (Korean Magoist shrine)
- Miyeok-guk (Sea Mustard soup aks birthday soup): Magoist Cetaceanism
- Podaegi (Method of carrying a baby on one’s back with podaegi): Magoist Cetaceanism
- Samsin Halmeoni (Triad Great Mother, Mago) dinner altar for babies
- 2019 International Forum on Matricentric Cultures, 2-4 PM, June 4, 2019. Chungnam National University
- Colloquium in Sangsaeng Research Institute, June 5, 2-6 PM, June 5, 2019.
- Sea Mustard Birthday Soup (Miyeok-guk)
- Podaegi (Carrying a child on one’s back by using the podaegi blanket)
- Seonin (Lay Magoists in comparison with Mudang or Mansin, Professed Magoists)
- Mago Folklore (Mago Stories and Place-names)
- Nine Numerology (the Triad and Nine Magos)
Tentative Schedule (More details TBA, subjected to change)
Each day, we will have a brief introductory reading and conversation as well as short stretching/meditation/ritual about the theme of the day’s program. It may be before or after the breakfast or dinner.
Day 1-3: May 29-31 (Stay in Seoul National University Hoam Professors Hall and elsewhere): Meet Korean shamans and observe their rituals. Seoul and Gyeonggi cultural sites including Guksadang (Shamanic Shrine), Standing Stone, and Stronghold in Mt. Inwang, Seoul. Seoul City Tour (Gyeongbok Palace), Danyang (Three Peaks of Dodam)
Day 4-6: June 1-3 (Stay in Temple Stay and elsewhere): Explore Magoism in Buddhist Temples and Stonewalls. Sudeoksa Temple in Yesan, South Chungcheong), or Namju-sa (Sangju, North Gyeongsang). Haemieup-seong in Seosan, South Chungcheong. Stonewalls of Mt. Gomo (Ancient Mother) in Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang.
Day 7-9: June 4-6 (Stay in Mago Stronghold and elsewhere): Experience the modern restoration of Mago Stronghold. Mago Stronghold Community in Mt. Jiri, Mago Cave, Forum with local scholars and community figures, Meet Blue Crane Villagers or local figures, Hike to Peak of the Triad Deity (optional)
Day 10-14: June 8-11 (Stay in suburban areas): Mingle with the local. Meet Korean Mago pilgrims, fermenting food workshop, cooking demo of sea mustard birthday soup, market places, postpartum customs, visit artist/activist organizations, discussion about Magoist Korean whale culture
Food and Lodge (Details TBA)
Two persons shared room in principle
One or 2 nights Buddhist temple stay (vegetarian meal)
Western style bed and Korean style ondol (sleeping on Korean style mattresses on the floor)
Western and Korean food (including a country style meal that includes a variety of vegetables)
Participants include
Kirsten Brunsgaard Clausen (Stockholm, Sweden). Danish and Swedish. Bachelor Degree in Theology/Religious History and deep studies in Thealogy and shamanism. Storyteller, dancer, professional weaver, and physiotherapist in psycho-somatic. Organizer of six Swedish Goddess Festivals. Now dedicating my life and love to the Old Scandinavian Wise Mothers – Hel, Brido, Omma, Källingen. Ancient narratives, songs, and legends about them seem to interweave with geographical names and archeological findings, together displaying a much broader pattern that crosses national borders in time and space. For ten years my friend, archeologist Märta-Lena Bergstedt and I have been co-workers in these fields.
Hyunsuk Jee

Dr. Joo Young Hong
Dr. Hong is an Associate Professor of Humanities Studies at Korean Air Force Academy. He holds a Ph.D. in Korean Literature from Seoul National University (2014).
2003. 서울대학교 국어국문학과 졸업
2007. 동 대학원 석사 졸업
2014. 동 대학원 박사 졸업
2007~2010 공군사관학교 국어과 강사 및 전임강사
2014~현재 공군사관학교 인문학과 조교수
2015 공군사관학교 천문대 천문대장
Kate Basleme
I am a mother of three growing humans who are my greatest teachers. I grew up in a Greek-American hOMe and the “mythos” and mystery of how the Greeks explained the nature of the universe fascinated me. I have been a global citizen serving hundreds of families in childbirth throughout Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, and now South Korea) since 2003. The seed that carried the birth of myself as a midwife was planted when my “Yia Yia” (grandmother) gave birth to my mother as a new immigrant in the US. She died giving birth to my mother in 1941. As a child I listened intently and with curiosity to this story and many others. These birth stories gave me a deep respect for the family life cycle, a knowing of the creative force that lies within women, and an understanding about how much creation and birth matters. As the midwife who trained me to be a midwife always says, “Peace on Earth begins with birth.” I am happy to be a new pilgrim into the heart of Magoism!
Participants will receive for free relevant readings (in PDF and at least one print book from Mago Books) including The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia, Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A), and two articles on Mago and Goma from Goddesses in Myth, History and Culture.
Fee and Registration
Total cost: US$3,000.00
First Payment of 50%: Due before or on Feb 4, 2019.
Final Payment: Due before or on March 4, 2019.
Registration Form and all inquires should be emailed to Dr. Hwang (
Find more on Mago Pilgrimage Korea here.
Travel to South Korea:
Essays on Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Dr. Hwang and others include:
(Mago Pilgrimage 3) Seonam-sa (Seonam Temple), Suncheon, South Jeolla Korea by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(Video) Mago Pilgrimage 2014 by Robert Seaborne and Glenys Livingstone
(Essay) On the 2015 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(2015 Mago Pilgrimage Essay 2) Neuk-do (Serpent Island) by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(2015 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea Report 1) Triad Shrines in Gangmun by Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(2014 Mago Pilgrimage Report 1) Sweat Lodge in Gyodong, Ganghwa Islands by Helen Hwang
(Video) Mago Pilgrimage 2014 by Robert Seaborne and Glenys Livingstone
(Mago Pilgrimage video 2) Ganghwa Island by Robert (Taffy) Seaborne
(Mago Pilgrimage video 1) Gangjeung Village in Jeju Island by Robert (Taffy) Seaborne
(Essay) 2014 Mago Pilgrimage by Rosemary Mattingley
(Video) 2013 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(Pilgrimage Essay 2) Report of First Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hwang
(Pilgrimage Essay 1) Report of First Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hwang