During the 2 sessions in September, we would like to offer you a discussion on the drama series Hotel del Luna. As EKCF is a Mago Academy event, we can’t miss the opportunity to present to you a feature, where Goddess Mago is an important part of the plot.
Since you might need more time in order to fit watching all the 16 episodes in your busy schedules, we decided to let you know in advance the theme of the sessions, which will be hosted at 9AM PDT on September 9th (an alternative date) and the 22nd.
The series are available with English subtitles on Netflix, Viki and Amazon Prime.
Here is a link to the official trailer, so you get an idea of what the series are all about:
Here is something more to it for fun – the series original sound track. The advantage of this particular video is that it has the lyrics in English and unfortunately not in Hangul, but transliterated Korean. Still to a degree helpful for those of us interested in learning Korean language.
If you are interested in joining, email Dr. Hwang for the Zoom meeting details (magoacademy@gmail.com).
Anna & Helen