On this Mother’s Day 2024, it is beyond an honor that Dr. Beth Raps, our fundraising advisor and egalitarian money advocate and philosopher, launches the Mago Community’s inaugural campaign for support of our Community’s 2024 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference. It is meaningful that we launch the fundraising campaign of the Mago Community on Mother’s Day (and in the month of May, dedicated to mothers in many cultures). The Great Mother, the root symbol for life-givers, providers, and nurturers, unites us ALL!
I feel humbled and renewed to the original vision to which I am called! For many years, I have been seeking to realize a blessed state of living without being forced to surrender to or compromise with the life-smothering world order. Dr. Raps’s connection with me and The Mago Work is a gift from Life. It is because of the monetary aspect of The Mago Work that I wasn’t able to proceed. Beth has come at the right time to do the right thing for me and The Mago Work.
I have experienced that The Mago Work is in the hands of Life. With courage and trust, I say, “Now it is time for each member of the Mago Community to come forward to do your part! Let The Mago Work grow into the tree of Life!” Beth and her assistant, Mago Community member Ms. Rebecca Whenham, have set up a campaign that everyone can contribute to. As you will see on our campaign page, gifts of every amount are being welcomed—from $5 to $500! Here is a link to the campaign, “Support Mago Community’s 2024 Divine Studies Conference.”
I sense that what Beth and Becca are saying and doing on behalf of The Mago Work is divine. It is only this year that I was able to proclaim the Mago Community, an assembly of past and current Mago Work volunteers, authors, readers, artists, poets, supporters, and advocates. Our first collective task is to envision, prepare, and operate the first meeting of the 2024 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference. I want the annual event of the S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference to become a meeting place for Mago Community members and others who would be open to and curious about the matriversal reality of Great Unity in Mago, the Creatrix. I am here to guide us to an ever-awakening reality of WE/HERE/NOW wherein one’s intellectual and spiritual inner faculty plants peace in the heart/mind of people with ALL else in the matriverse.

Please be part of this campaign, “Support Mago Community’s 2024 Divine Studies Conference.” in just the same way as you are part of the Community itself. Thank you for supporting this important first step in our self-sufficiency as a Community.
Here are the Words of Invitation and Programs of the S/HE Divine Studies Conference as well as Registration.
Words of Invitation & Programs:
Registration Open Now: