Here are two new features to accommodate the activities of participants.
- We accept advertisements to be included in the last pages of the Program Document. This will have a fee of $25 for the one half of the page (Ad A) and $50 for the whole page (Ad B). If you are interested in adding an ad of your event or organization, email Helen Hwang (magoacademy@gmail.com) with the indication of your ad type (A or B) and the image that includes the text (your content). The jpg image size should be in 7″x5″ ratio (7″ to be the width and 5″ to be the height, a horizontally longer rectangular) with a file size between 800 KB to 1.2 MB.

Deadline: May 31, 2024. Submit your ad via email with the payment below:
2. Anyone who participates in the conference can request a booth for free of charge. A booth will go under Special Events, labeled as Socials. Booths I and Booths II are available for participants to hold an organizational or group meeting. This will give you an opportunity to meet, talk, and stay connected with participants broadly and cross-crissingly. We have three Socials. Social I will be an Open House for the Mago Community. Special Event Sessions are also timed for 90 minutes. Social Time Sessions are found below in the chart of “Session Time Numbers.”
*Social 1 (Time 2): Mago Community Open House (Mago Work volunteers from major branches including the S/HE journal, the Financial Committee, RTM, Mago Books, and Mago Academy will come to meet and talk).
*Social 2 (Time 4): Booths I (This is a time/space for organizations and groups to gather and connect)
*Social 3 (Time 16): Booths II (This is a time/space for organizations and groups to gather and connect)
If you want to hold your booth time/space for your own group’s purpose, email Dr. Hwang (magoacademy@gmail.com) with the following sign-up application information:
Your booth application should include:
1) Name of your booth and/or your organization
2) Purpose of holding a both (50 words max)
3) Representative’s name
4) Preferred Time (Time 4 or Time 16)
We are unsure how crowded these bootn timespaces will be. If there are many requests, we will assign minutes evenly (like 10 min per group). If there aren’t many sign-ups, then we can hold these two Booth Timems for individuals who would like to come and meet the like-minded. All participants are welcome to sign up for these social times, first come, first served.