September 2024 S/HE Divine Studies Forum: Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing

Mago Academy hosts the first inaugural S/HE Divine Studies Online Forum (the S/HE Forum), a spinoff project of the S/HE Divine Studies Conference. The S/HE Forum is a 3 hour-long event in the form of an extended panel (up to 9 panelists).

This upcoming September forum is held in conjunction with the Girl God Books represented by Ms. Trista Hendren. The Planning Committee (Trista Hendren, Claire Dorey, and Helen Hwang) of the forum invites the contributors to the anthology, Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess (Girl God Books, forthcoming) as the forum panelists. You may submit the contribution(s) you made to the anthology but not limited to those. In addition, we also seek one or two research papers on the theme, Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessings, broadly applied.

Theme: Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing
Date and Time: September 7, 9AM to Noon PDT

Moderator: Trista Hendren
Discussants: Claire Dorey & Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

If you are interested, please submit the following proposal application to Dr. Helen Hwang ( and/or Ms. Trista Hendren (

1. Your name (and affiliation/organization, if applicable)
2. Abstract or description of your presentation (up to 150 words)
3. What makes you think your proposal contributes to the forum’s theme, Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing.
4. Sample writing or images.

Registration (Coming Soon): Fee of $15 or Donation (enter your own amount)

Crowdfunding Campaign (TBA) to support the S/HE Forum Project!


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