Post-Forum Talks: September S/HE Divine Studies Online Forum

The first and inaugural forum was held on September 7th under the theme of “Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing.” Titles and summaries of 7 presentations as well as other details are found here.

Here is a report by Alison Newvine published in Return to Mago E-Magazine.

Image captured by Alison Newvine

Some of reviews include:

Claire Dorey
“It was great, uplifting, so much wisdom there.”

Jilly Burnette
“Thank you everyone for a wonderful and productive forum. This was the most successful and special I’ve seen as we all truly were connected to each other. Much appreciation to our editors and writers and all the artists and everyone sharing their wisdom Ocean of gratitude”

Helen Benegini
“Our first forum begins with the amazing fact that we are able to bring together like-minded individuals in one space and time to affirm our beliefs and share our experiences from across the world.

Add to that the fact that we are able to combine personal and professional thoughts into a coherent approach to the subject.

And, most importantly, consider that the study of The Creatix is at the center of it all!

Please count me in for future sessions.”

Carolyn Lee Boyd
“What a beautiful figurine and a wonderful idea to create a bier for the Mago Community!

My feedback on the Salon is that it was, like the conference, inspiring, fascinating, deeply moving, and a unique opportunity to experience what grief means in so many cultures and from so many personal as well as scholarly perspectives. I know that I will never think of grief in the same way; to me, it seems to be yet another facet of the love between the Goddess, in all Her forms, and humans. What came through so clearly to me is that we are never alone in our grief — both our human and divine communities are with us.

And logistically, I think this salon format is a wonderful way to get more people involved the Mago work. By having it just be two hours on a weekend and online, people are more likely to be able to fit it into their schedules. 

Thanks again to you and all the organizers and presenters. Blessings.”

Louisa Cailo
I have listened with rapture, tears of joy and love- your love in particular was shared so openly along with the work and all of the many gifted sharings. Women who are joining in Mago and expanding this circle will add to us. 

I hope you and the presenters will decide to share this tape with others and the public at some point just as it is, even if you get many more members as you will. It is fantastic..moving and educational.

I thought it so wise and generous that you included time for those who listened, some who said they didn’t know of this work before. Helen thank you for being in my life. I look forward to joining in one of these. Trista’s book was a great point of gathering. 

Please know I will continue to meditate for healing in California and safety for you and all of us in these challenges. When I was a little girl I “imagined” I rode whales and dolphins…after this I am seeing it was not just imagined.

love to you and thanks again and let me know when it goes public..I want to share it with so many!!!

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