Mago Pod Bulletin #71 September 2024

Join The Mago Circle, Facebook group (, to stay connected with Mago Sisters/Associates on social media.

You are invited to the upcoming events including (1) 2024 Fall Online Seminar: Goddesses of the Seasons (2) the second salon of the 9th Anniversary of She Rises Trilogy (Call for Presentations).

Mago Academy invites you to the 2024 Fall Online Seminar “Goddesses of the Seasons” taught by Dr. Helen Benigni. Dr. Benigni has served The Mago Work branches as a volunteer since 2022 including S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies. A seminar course is another spin-off of the 2024 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference after the S/HE Divine Studies Online Forum. This is the first innovative online seminar toward S/HE Divine Studies (Creatrix Studies) that Mago Academy envisions to establish.

Instructor: Dr. Helen Benigni

Times & dates:  5 Mondays in October and early November, 2 hours each session. 12:00 pm EST


            October 7 Introduction to the Archetypes of the Calendar Goddesses

            October 14 The Sacred Calendar of Eleusis and the Goddesses of the Fall

            October 21 The Great Goddess of the Winter Sky and the Priestesses of the Star Clusters

            October 28 The Celestial Spring

            November 4 Time-Keeper, Earth-Keeper, Star-Keeper: The Creatrix of Summer

Guest Speaker: Dr. Helen Hye Sook Hwang on 13 Month 28 Day Lunar-Solar-Menstrual Calendar

Methods: Five Zoom sessions. One hour lecture, one hour discussion per session. Zoom link and passcode will be emailed to registered attendees.

Description: Using the archetypes of the Neolithic culture defined by Marija Gimbutas and the information translated from the ancient calendars of the Celts and the Greeks, a research group has identified the Goddesses of the Seasons of the year. Each season of the ancient calendars of Europe and the Mediterranean is carefully defined by its moons, solar holidays, and most importantly, a pattern of constellations that tells the story of the night sky which has been used to determine the myths of the Grandmother, the Mother and the Daughter throughout the year. Welcome this vital information by exploring the myths and the patterns of the night sky that were the base of ancient civilization and the fruit for our re-constituting a matriarchy for our present use. Celebrate the opportunity and join the Creatrix Studies to verify the Goddess in our own sphere of understanding.

Texts: Benigni, Helen. The Myth of the Year (Mago Books, 2023) and Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess, Eds. Helen Hye Sook Hwang and Mary Ann Beavis (Mago Books, 2017).

For other details, see below:

2. (Salon #2) 9th Anniversary of She Rises Trilogy: Goddess Feminist Activist Spirituality

Call for Presentations: Please send your presentation proposal by September 30 (primary deadline) as follows:

  1. Your name (and affliaition)
  2. Title
  3. Summary (up to 150 words)
  4. Biography (up to 100 words)
  5. Are you a contributor to the She Rises Trilogy? If so, please list the volumes of She Rises.

For other details, see below:

3. Post-Forum Talks: September S/HE Divine Studies Online Forum

The first and inaugural forum was held on September 7th under the theme of “Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing.” Titles and summaries of 7 presentations as well as other details are found here.

Here is a report by Alison Newvine published in Return to Mago E-Magazine.

For other details, see below:

4. The S/HE journal is seeking Academic Co-editors and Editorial Board Members!

5. CFP on a rolling basis for the academic S/HE journal!

6. Return to Mago E-Magazine calls for new contributors and contributions!

2023 Arrived! Reader: Toward Magoist Cetaceanism by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess, a monumental achievement for Goddess Studies! 

Return to Mago E-Magazine

S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies

Mago Books

She Rises trilogy

Celebrating the Goddess series

She Summons series

Periodicals: S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies, Mago Almanac 

Mago Academy

Join The Mago Circle, Facebook group (, to stay connected with Mago Sisters/Associates on social media.

The name Mago Pod is borrowed from a pod of whales who stay together throughout their lifetimes and travel across oceans.

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