Mago Academy offers 2025 Goma Awards for the original and innovative research papers to be presented during 2025 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference. The Goma Awards are offered to encourage the promotion of original and innovative research and to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of Creatrix or S/HE Divine Studies, broadly defined. Papers in the subfields of Goddess (Female Divine), Mother Nature, and Matriarchal Societies are welcome. Trans-disciplinary and comparative approaches are encouraged. The three awards include $300 for first place, $200 for second place, and $100 for third place with publication in the sisterly peer-reviewed journal, S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies. There will be a formal recognition of the Awardees during the 2025 S/HE Divine Studies Conference (June 12-15, 2025). An application will be considered as a paper proposal to the 2025 S/HE Divine Studies Conference (Call for Papers here). The Awards Committee is composed of the members from the S/HE Divine Studies Conference leadership board and the S/HE Journal Editorial Board. S/HE Journal Editorial Board members may submit their own papers for the award, but those who do will be recused from the Awards Committee.
Goma better known as Ungnyeo (Bear/Head Woman) is the Ceto-Magoist Mudang Queen Mother. She is the teacher, savior, and civilizer of Old Magoist Korea whose cetological discoveries enabled her to carve out the matriversal consciousness of Mago, the Creatrix. Goma is, although largely misrepresented in modern times, the original deity of the pre-patriarchal (read matriarchal/matricentric/matriversal) time in the fourth millennium BCE and widely revered as myriad names by people of the world. Learn more about Goma here.
Qualifications: No higher degree is required; submissions will be considered solely on their merits.
Deadline: March 15, 2025.
Process (timeline may be changed without notification): A submitted paper will undergo the preliminary review. The Awards Committee will choose 3-9 papers as the finalists, which will be subjected to two blind peer-reviews. This means, if a paper is chosen as one of the finalists, it will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers chosen by the Awards Committee. The finalists will be notified with the peer review results by April 15. Once your paper is chosen as a winner, you will be asked to submit a C.V. and a self-photo image. Also winning papers will be given the opportunity to present in S/HE Divine Studies Online Forum.
Paper submission guidelines: Email application only.
- Submissions should have a cover page with the author’s name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), as well as the title of the paper. State “2025 Creatrix Studies Conference Award Application” above the title. The paper itself should not have any personal identifying information.
- Your paper is to be submitted in English. Non-native speakers of English should have their papers proofed for correct scholarly English grammar and syntax prior to submission.
- Your paper must be original works and not published or under consideration for publication in another venue.
- Your paper should demonstrate sufficient evidence of research.
- Your paper should use the latest edition of the Chicago Formatting Style for citations and references/bibliography as well as footnotes. Footnotes (not endnotes or author-date) are required, and should be created using the “Insert Footnote” function.`
- Your paper may be between 5,000-15,000 words saved in Word and PDF formats. Word should be .doc or .docx (Times New Roman 12 font, 1 line space, single space between sentences, 0.5 indentation for a new paragraph, justified alignment for the body, left-aligned for footnotes and references/bibliography, footnote in size 10 with numbers starting as 1, references/bibliography, block quotes with indentation of 05 inches on the left side, and curved quotation marks, etc.).
- Images (size between 100-700 KB in good quality) should be placed within the paper. All images must have a copyright permission. Figures and Tables may be treated as images. All captions for images, figures, and/or tables must be appropriately placed.
- An abstract of less than 300 words should be included in the paper along with 7-10 keywords.
Email your submission to Dr. Helen Hwang (magoacademy@gmail.com) and/or Dr. Glenys Livingstone (pagaian@bigpond.net.au).